I was born and raised in Taiwan, and graduated from UC Berkeley in 2020.
I'm currently based in San Francisco Bay Area, working at EasyPost as a Software Engineer.
Software Engineer (Mar 2022 - Present)
Software Engineer (June 2020 - Mar 2022)
Software Engineer Intern (Summer 2019)
Undergraduate Researcher (2018 - 2019)
Software Engineer Intern (Summer 2018)
Built a demo MVP for startup MultiMeet, a Ruby on Rails web application for optimized matching for team members to different times and supporting multiple degrees. Worked on in team of 6 for CS 169.
Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, SQL, ERB, Bundler, Heroku, CodeClimate, Travis CI
Dawn is a desktop app for learning to program and control robots, for students in the PiE competition. I worked on adding code editor customizability and some file I/O features.
Technologies used: React, Redux, Electron, Webpack, Node, Mocha, Travis CI
Public facing website of Pioneers in Engineering. I spent a year as web developer and a year as project manager where I planned and managed the redesign of much of the website organization, along with training new team members to use technologies in our stack.
Technologies used: HTML, SCSS, JS, Jekyll, Github, Bootstrap.
A Python open source framework for reinforcement learning of simulated self-driving vehicles to improve traffic congestion, developed at the Mobile Sensing Lab in UC Berkeley.
I recently joined this team and work on improving the framework, implementing Flow Garden as a UI for solution submissions and displaying a leaderboard, and solving new traffic problems.
Trained CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) to classify exercise images using PyTorch
Technologies used: Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Google Colab
Built SQL-like database tool with table insertion, read, select, and join using Java. Supports conditionals.
Technologies used: Java 8, JUnit
A small collection of the various projects from my clubs, research, classwork, or personal adventures.
Feel free to shoot me a message or ask me any questions!